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Parent Resources - 8th Grade IGP Information

Important IGP Dates to Remember:

January 16            IGP letters mailed home to all 8th grade parents with IGP assigned appointment time

January 23            IGP Lesson for Students in Classroom – students receive course selection registration form

January 24            Informational Parent Night Presentation on High School Transition at 6:00pm in PKMS Gym

January 25            High School Visit – students will go to the high school they will be attending for a tour

January 26            Fort Mill High School and Nation Ford High School will email home a virtual curriculum presentation

February 1            High School Course Selection Registration Forms DUE back to PKMS

February 14          Fort Mill High School 8th grade IGP Meetings for parents and students at PKMS

February 15          Nation Ford High School 8th grade IGP Meetings for parents and students at PKMS

Program of Studies